How to Make Your Company Brand Clear

When you have a well-established company like Amazon, Nike, etc., you don't need to keep reminding people who you are and what you do.

For the rest of us, it's important to be clear on how you help people.

The problem, most people have fuzzy branding at the best.

"Empower people."
"Help you flourish."
"Share your magic."

It's all feel-good copy that doesn't mean anything. It often screams, "I don't actually know the concrete results my clients receive from working with me, so I’m just going to put in this filler copy.” Not to mention, it’s insulting to your potential customers because you’re not putting in the effort to know what they care most about.

Stop it. Highlight all of it and delete it.

For example, let's take a scroll through Marie Forleo's B School copy where she breaks down the concrete results from her program:

"Write 2-3x faster." CONCRETE RESULT.
"Write joyfully and prolifically." That's something you can physically imagine.
"Sell without sleaze." Something we have all felt when it comes to trying to sell.
"Write with clarity and precision." An essential part of good copy and something we all struggle with.

All of these are tangible results that can either be imagined or tracked.

Then, when you scroll down you can see each module broken down with tangible results for each one such as "12 of our favorite and most compelling headline formulas."

Let's look at your business and the copy you have on your site.

How much of it is just filler language because you didn't know what to write at the moment? Move it all to a Google Doc and highlight the fluffy parts that aren't tied to any concrete results.

If you have filled up more than 40% of the page with highlighted text, it's too much. Ideally, you want to remove all the filler language, but start by cutting out half of it at least. it’s better to have shorter copy that’s right to the point than longer copy that doesn’t actually say anything.

Lazy copy is offensive to the reader. No one likes to feel talked-down to or read generic copy. It makes people’s eyes glaze over and start to lose interest, which is the worst possible situation when you’re trying to sell something.

If you want to build trust and sales, it's essential that you make your copy the best copy you can.

Start by answering these questions:

  1. What do you specifically offer?

  2. What does your clients’ life look like before and after working with you or buying your product?

  3. What have past customers said about your company?

  4. What makes you different than everyone else who offers a similar product or service?

  5. What stressors keep your customers up at night and how you do you help alleviate them?

All of your copy should stem from these answers. Everything else can go.

When you give people a descriptive vision of how you make their lives better, they’re a billion (accurate measurement) times more likely to buy from you.