Jackie Pearce: Copywriter

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Why Maximizing Your "No Scroll Zone" is Essential to Keeping People on Your Website

Having a header that tells your ideal clients they’re in the right place is essential to any business.

Actually, it’s so important that it’s one of the first things I work on with a new client website.

I call this area the “No Scroll Zone”.

Yes, technically it’s the header, but it’s not always.

I’m talking about the first place a reader lands when they visit your website, before they even scroll down. Sometimes this includes more than just your header, and on mobile it can include less.

Some stats say that the average time a user spends on a site is 7 seconds. 7 SECONDS. Don’t make people struggle for those seven seconds while they try and figure out what your site is about

Far too many times, I’ve been on a website ready to spend money because I need a solution, but I spend so long trying to figure out if they’re what I’m looking for, I leave before I can buy. If it takes someone more than one scroll and one click to figure out what you do and the people you help, they’re gone.

You need to let your customers know immediately if they are in the right place.

The problem is, most people are terrified of specializing. They don’t want to turn anyone away.

Stop it.

No brand in all of history is for EVERYONE. Even mass-market brands have some specialty that attracts different people: Wal-Mart offers low prices. Target has cute AF stuff for your home. Office Depot has office supplies. Amazon brings things to your door.

No one wants to put a definite statement because they want to leave every option open. "I'm a food blogger now, but what if I want to start teaching skydiving lessons?! What if someone doesn't like me? 

It’s important you turn away customers and clients that aren’t right for you because you’ll make yourself go crazy by working with the wrong people.

I've always said dating and business are incredibly similar. You have a type in dating, you have a type of ideal client.

So, how can you fix this? Simple.

  1. You need to know what makes you different from your competitors. This should be front and center. If you don’t know, you need to figure it out.
  2. Write out what your ideal customer needs and what solutions they’re looking for. What problems do they need solved? Who are they? What do they care about?
  3. Combine step one and two.

I know, I know, it’s so simple. However, after looking through thousands and thousands and thousands of sites, NO ONE DOES THIS. Only a handful of sites seem to say, “Here’s what this website is about.

Let's look at some sites that maximize their No Scroll Zone.


First off, if you're not following Regina, that's a huge mistake. (Go look check it out here: http://byregina.com/ - after you're done with this article, of course.) However, look at that beautiful site. Without scrolling at all, that's what you see. You'd know immediately if this is a site for you or not.


I love Primer Magazine. I'm not a man, but I love their content and how they put it all together. "A guy's guide to growing up." I love it! It's simple and right to the point. It'll attract the right readers and repel the wrong ones.

Let’s also dive into some examples.

Carly is a paleo-recipe blogger that makes meals that only take 30 minutes or less. She sells her recipe ebooks to busy moms.
Her No Scroll Zone should be something like, “Paleo recipes your family will love in 30 minutes or less.”

Bill is a custom canoe designer that builds his pieces by hand. He sells primarily to men who appreciate craftsmanship and are passionate about the outdoors.
His No Scroll Zone should say something like, “Quality hand-crafted canoes for the true outdoorsman.”

Make it clear what you do, who it’s for, and how you solve their problems.