Jackie Pearce: Copywriter

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🤖 This blog was written by AI

I'm kidding, it wasn't actually written by AI, but I want to talk about it today.

There is no doubt that AI is here. Marketers are using it in droves and to think it won't have an impact on writers is insane.

There are currently two camps of people with AI I've seen: People who think the robots are god's gift and people who hate it and think it will have zero impact on writers.

Personally, I'm somewhere in the middle. Siri just tried to send me to Nebraska the other day when I was looking for a grocery store (IMO robots are still so unreliable in general) and of course as a writer my gut says "the robots can't beat us!"

I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle of the two. I think AI will be insanely helpful, but it won't replace brilliant copywriters and people who understand how to write AS a human TO humans.

Now, I don't think it will replace everyone's jobs and put people out of work. If you still know how to write with a personality and use research + psychology to influence people, you'll be fine.

However, if you write run-of-the-mill work, stuff articles with SEO keywords, and already write like a robot, then expect the robots to replace you.

The robots cheaper and faster, even if the writing is sub-par, and tons of companies don't care about quality anyway, which is why we see content writing jobs out there for $.02/word. (These clients are also the worst, anyway, but that's another story for another time.)

If you're a writer you need to start looking at AI writing and see how your writing is better. You DON'T want to stick your head in the sand and get overly romantic about your career, thinking that it won't change.

Look at how that played out for Blockbuster when they were convinced that people preferred to come in the store to pick out a movie.

People will still love writers. We love humans, following their thoughts, and supporting them. That will never end. I don't think quality writing will ever die, because robots can't feel anything (even though I admittedly tell my roomba every day that I appreciate it).

In summary, copywriters need to play with AI to understand what it can currently do. It can actually be incredibly helpful for research and compiling information.Then, learn how to beat it at it's own game. 🤖

If you want a longer video on AI and what it might do to copywriters, I  uploaded one this week !