When to Start A/B Testing Your Copy and Where to Start

Everyone has heard a story about a brand A/B testing their copy and increasing their sales ten-fold overnight, but when and how do you start?

Through the years of copywriting and testing a boatload of landing pages/sales pages/emails/call to actions, there are a few points I know for sure:

There's A Reason No One Buys Knock Off Legos

There's A Reason No One Buys Knock Off Legos

When you’re the best, there is no competition.

I was on the phone with a client the other day discussing an idea he has for a new site. It’s a damn good idea, and there’s a huge market for it. However, he is terrified to actually build the site because that means he’d have to *gasp* share his idea with other people in order to get it built.

This thought alone prevents him from starting at all.

You Started A Newsletter... Now What?

Every marketer since the dawn of time has been screaming about having an email newsletter. (Yes, I’m pretty sure even when humans were in caves one of them was like, “Would you like too see my hieroglyphics every week? Sign up and get a free PDF!”)